Homepage Star of December 2015

Wide nose indicates a nose which is too wide disproportionate to the giving nasal height and facial width. Depend on the tissue involvement it can be divided into bony wide nose and soft tissue wide nose. AS the bony structure of the nose only exist in the upper and middle portion the shape of a bony wide nose may resemble a “barrel” or a “bottle gourd”. In soft tissue wide nose the nasal shape generally is in a reversed “V” with wide nostrils. The Bony wide nose and soft tissue wide nose rarely coexist on a same person. If it do happens the shape of the nose would be generally big. The softer tissue wide nose often preva lent among people with thick dark skin. But people who has simple bony wide nose normally has light and thin skin with no big nostrils. So simple bony wide nose makes a good indication for nose-narrowing rhinoplasty. Once the wide bony portion of the nose is reduced the nasal shape can be easily restored to a natural smoother one.

The young man on this page had a bony wide nose. In frontal view his nose was wide in the middle portion, with a normal sized upper and lower portion. In profile view the dorsum line was slightly humpy. He had considered alternative way to fix it, such as nasal implant to camouflage the hump in the middle part of his nose, but ended with giving up this idea for fairing the implant would make the nose even bigger. Some surgeons also suggested grinding down the bony hump to reduce the size of the nose. However once he realized that the nasal bone is very thin and grinding might damage or destroy this bone, he again refused the proposal. His final decision was going with the nasal bone osteotomy nose-narrowing rhinoplasty and it turned out to be the right decision.

Nose-narrowing rhinoplasty
In simple bony wide-nose the middle portion of the nose is wide. After surgical reduction the nose looks more natural.

Nose-narrowing rhinoplasty profile
In angled view the middle part of the nose is bulging laterally with a slight hump at the dorsum line. After surgery all these unwanted features has been removed.

nose-narrowing in chin down position
In chin down position the narrowed nose looks more smooth and straight.

This young man had a wide nasal bone and this made his nose in a gourd like shape. During the surgery the nasal bon in the middle humpy portion was partially removed creating an temporary “open roof”, and then both sides of the remaining nasal bone was cut and moved toward each other closing the roof. Thus these procedures reduced the hump and at the same time narrowed down the middle portion of the nose.

There are a misunderstanding regarding nose-narrowing surgery among cosmetic surgery seekers and even among some plastic surgery professionals believing that simply grinding down the nasal bone can easily correct a bony wide nose. So that the phrase of “nasal bone grinding” can often be heard in clinical practice or seen on the web. In fact nasal bone is a tiny thin flat bone. The nasal process of the maxillary bone which participate the formation of the bony nose is also very thin. The thickness of the bony nose is less than 2MM averagely. In everyday life we may encounter or hear that somebody have their nasal bone fractured under even a minor injury, reflecting the fragileness of the nasal bone. So for those who have a bony wide nose should think twice before really using the grinding method, otherwise the nasal bone may be damaged or on effect of correction may be expected.